// easy version
int diam = 10; // diam for "diameter",
circle(50,50, diam);
diam = diam + 10;
circle(50,50, diam);
diam += 10; // "a += b" is a shortcut for "a = a + b"
circle(50,50, diam);
// etc...


// Version using 2 variables
int diam = 10;
int step = 8;
circle(50,50, diam);
diam += step;
circle(50,50, diam);
diam += step;  circle(50,50, diam);
diam += step;  circle(50,50, diam);
diam += step;  circle(50,50, diam);
diam += step;  circle(50,50, diam);

Declarer une variable

// I need to remember a number. 
// Call it ‘lucky’. 
// It’s 7.

int lucky = 7;
  • int : pour enregistrer un nombre entier
  • lucky : le nom de notre variable
  • = : l’opérateur permettant d’assigner une valeur à la variable
  • 7 : la valeur

Modifier une variable

// I changed my mind, my lucky number is now 9.

lucky = 9;

// No, wait, my lucky number is now whatever it was minus 3.

lucky = lucky - 3;

// Add 2 to my lucky number.

lucky += 2;

// Your lucky number is 5.

int yourNum = 5;

// Let’s add your number to my number.

lucky += yourNum;